New Adobe User Group

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A little known fact is that I met my husband, Steve Howard on the old macromedia user forums. At one point, he and I were both members of Team Macromedia, then we made the transition together to being Adobe Community Experts. Adobe and I had some "differences of opinion," so I am no longer a Community Expert. However, we both still have a close and friendly relationship with Adobe.

He applied late last year for a Gulf Coast Adobe User Group, and this was approved. The user group site is now up and running. So, if you're using Adobe products on the central Gulf Coast, please join the group. We already have a full boxed copy of Flex for a giveaway at the first meeting, and we may collect even more swag in the meantime. So, y'all come by. We'd love to see


Stace said...

Hello Amy - your blog keeps popping up as I search for resources on Flex and e-learning, so I thought I'd say hello! I'm developing a Flex/Air app with the help of a few gurus in order to deliver my Spanish teaching e-learning content (

I appreciate all your great info - and as I go about learning Flex.

greetings from Alaska!